Welcome to KOLB International Tax Services

KOLB International Tax Services has more than 35 years of experience in Swiss and international tax law. Highly regarded amongst the business and consulting communities, the firm provides consultancy services to Swiss and foreign companies, organisations and institutions, as well as supporting high net-worth individuals with cross-border interests and operations. To add additional value to its client base, KOLB International Tax Services works closely with experienced experts worldwide and in this regard, KOLB International Tax Services has developed strong links with tax and legal experts in other jurisdictions.

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Locher/Meier/von Siebenthal/Kolb, Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen Schweiz-Deutschland 1971 und 1978

Flick/Wassermeyer/Kempermann, Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen Deutschland-Schweiz

Steuern in Europa, Amerika und Asien